SiPM board
The SiPM board is a printed circuit board (PCB) designed to dock and process the signal from the SiPM-scintillator coupling into a readout. Ideally no information such as timing from the scintillator should be lost, and the signal could be amplified/ processed with the board. In some applications involving significant temperature fluctuations, a compensator could also be built into the board. For the Muonpi project, the board should just be able to dock the SiPM-scintillator coupling to the readout.
The circuit configuration of the PCB varies depending on the number of SiPM's it needs to accommodate. For housing a single SiPM the configuration is to just connect it with ground and readout/ bias. However, for connecting multiple SiPM's there are two possible configurations: parallel (p) and hybrid (h) configuration, each with their own pros and cons.
[1] S. Zimmermann. The panda barrel-tof detector. DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Münster. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Stefan Meyer Insitute for Subatomic Physics, 28th of March, 2017.