Detector Status

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Real-Time Analysis

The incoming data from all detectors is analysed in real-time before being written to the database.

This analysis consists of the calculation of coincidences between all possible detector pairs. Additionally each individual and total coincidence detection rate is determined.

In order to ensure the validity of the data at all times, each detectors reliability is judged.


Determining factors include e.g. quality of GNSS signal, effective DOP or the steadieness of detection rate.

For a detailed view, you can check out the relevant code at our github.

Additionally to the standard requirements, individual events can cause an instant unreliability mark due to exceptionally bad time resolution or no valid GNSS fix. Those events are automatically rejected.

Compare the code to see the detailed requirements.

Possible detector status

Status Data is processed Description
deleted no The detector has not sent data for over 48 hours
offline no The detector is not connected or experiences network problems
online no The detector is recently connected
reliable yes The detector is connected and all parameters are deemed good
unreliable no The detector is connected but experiences network problems or has sub-optimal runtime parameters

Possible reasons

reason Description
miscellaneous No reason has been specified
time_accuracy The mean time accuracy of the detector was outside the specifications
time_accuracy_extreme The time accuracy of a single event reached an extreme value
location_precision The mean location precision of the detector was outside the specifications
rate_unstable The standard deviation of the event rate was too large compared to the mean
missed_log_interval The detector missed a log interval (One for unreliable, Three intervals for offline)